Panzer Camouflage Vols. 1 & 2 | Wermacht Divisions Camouflage Patterns in WW2 Book


I’m a big fan of Kickstarter and picked up both of these books via their respective Kickstarter. Volume 3 will soon also be available. They can now be purchased directly from the publisher.

Spread over 128 pages Volume 1 has 180 detailed drawings for 1st to 5th Panzer Divisions, Verstarkte Polizei panzer company, Sturmpanzer Abteilung 216, 202, 508. It has drawings for captured KV-1 & 2, a section of some fictional German liberation tanks, and then a final section on Road and tactical signs.

Volume 2, also 180 detailed drawings, covers the 6th to 9th Panzer Divisions, Panzer Regiment 33, Das Reich Panzer Division, and a quite large (20 odd pages) alternative history section.


The drawings do look gorgeous. Igor Donchik, the illustrator, is no doubt very talented. I am not a big fan of the Alternative history sections where Igor images different vehicle types and colorings/markings. However, I know there are people that like this kind of thing so it may appeal to them. The book is mainly centered around the drawings with some text to describe what has been drawn. Certainly don’t expect any technical information.

So who are these books aimed at? Model makers for sure would be interested to get ideas on how to paint their AFV in camouflage colors. Each page also tells you the base colors needed. If you like looking at gorgeous artwork of AFV from WW2 then you will love this book. Apart from that I am not sure anyone with a serious interest in AFV of WW2 will get much from the books,

For model makers and art fans, this is a buy. For anyone else if you can pick them up secondhand or in a sale for $20 then take a punt otherwise look for something with more depth.

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