Converting Squad Leader Scenarios to Valor & Victory

I have always been a big fan of the original Avalon Hill Squad Leader and its successor Advanced Squad Leader and I know a lot of players of Valor & Victory are the same.

A lot of the feature requests we get are to make Valor & Victory more like Squad Leader by adding more features and rules. However, one of Barry Doyle’s original concepts for Valor & Victory was to have a fairly simple set of rules so that you could actually play the game rather than spend the evening trying to understand the rules to play the game.

So as a fun idea I thought why not take some Squad Leader scenarios and convert them into a format that would work with Valor & Victory?

With that idea in mind, I took the first three original SL scenarios and map board 1 and redid them so they could work in Valor & Victory.

The Streets of Stalingrad
The Tractor Works
The Guards Counterattack

I was quite surprised at how well the scenarios played out using Valor & Victory rules.

If you would like to try them out for yourself you can download the files from here:

For help on how to install watch the video here:

PLEASE NOTE you will need the Stalingrad DLC to be able to play.


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