New Faucet and Battle for Korsun – A tenuous link

“I want to replace the faucet in our bathroom,” she says. “and here is the new set I want to be installed”. I love my wife’s icy stare.

So I estimated it would take about 2 hours to take out the old faucet and switch in the new one. What I had not figured into my plan was the fact I was taking out something that’s probably been in place for 30 years and had been designed as a test for cracking Enigma.

After 2 trips to Home Depot, finding out PB Blaster is fantastic at loosening rusty connections and 8 hours of sweat and tears the job was done. Wife was happy – Mission Success!

Right now Battle for Korsun is proving to be that old Faucet. Not that’s its 30 years old but that what I thought would take 2 hours is taking 8. The game is actually quite big and it takes a while to play out one turn. So testing fixes and trying to find the root cause of a bug takes time. I am starting to lean towards doing a limited release on and getting some feedback so I know where to concentrate my efforts.

Where do you go to find out about Indie Wargames?


This question has been playing on my mind recently. There are other developers out there like me, Digital Gameworks as an example, who write wargames in their spare time. We don’t have a big presence, we don’t have a big publisher like Slitherine and our games on Steam, Play, and App store are lost in the torrent of other games released daily.

One idea that is floating around in my head is to put together a website that consolidates all the various links and sources of these games together with links to reviews on those games. My efforts in maintaining a Flipboard magazine have been useful in finding out the effort to do something like this

The problem is how to get people to visit the website and for it to become the de facto place to go to and find links to buy Indie Wargames? Maybe I should take the “Build it and they will come” approach to it.

Anyways this has been bothering me enough that I think I will look at progressing this into something real. Let me know your thoughts on this.

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